Are you curious to find out if you qualify for injections of Kybella to reduce the size of your chin fat? You can find out at the ZO Skin Centre® in Newport Beach, CA in a private consultation. You may have a small amount of fat underneath your chin giving you a "double chin" appearance, which means that you probably do not qualify or want to have surgery. The bothersome excess pockets of fat under the chin (also known as the submental area) may be caused by aging, genetics, or weight fluctuations that lead to a weaker chin and jawline for an undefined profile.
The ZO Skin Centre® in Newport Beach, CA is proud to offer Kybella injections, a new way to get rid of neck fat without liposuction. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Kybella is the first nonsurgical treatment for submental fat. The active ingredient in Kybella is a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid that acts like the natural DA in the body to break down and absorb fat. Once it is injected under the chin, you may see a noticeable reduction in fat. When the fat is destroyed, the cells cannot return so you are able to enjoy your new, slim profile and strong jawline for years to come.
Best Candidates
The ideal candidates for Kybella® injectable treatments have unwanted fat in the upper throat area, which creates a double chin or an unwanted thickness to the chin. This injection reduces resistant areas of fat that can't be removed with common weight loss techniques due to genetics, aging, and several other conditions. If you are near a healthy, stable weight, but exercise and diet have not been able to eliminate the fat in your submental area, Kybella® may be a suitable option for your goals. While Kybella® can be used to eliminate small or moderate pockets of fat in the upper neck, significant amounts of fat may be better suited for surgical neck liposuction.
What to expect
Kybella® injections are performed during an appointment in one of our treatment rooms. A ZO® skin care professional will typically apply a numbing agent under your chin, if requested, once the skin has been cleansed. The injection session lasts around 15 minutes, which comprises of several small injections into the upper neck area. Patients may only need a single treatment to reach their goal while others may need multiple injections spaced three weeks between each appointment.

For A Sleeker Facial Profile
Even though everybody else in your family has to hide their genetic double chin, it does not mean you will. Make a consultation with ZO Skin Centre® to get more information about the new Kybella® injections in Newport Beach, CA. Reduce submental fat so you can have a strong, well-defined jawline today.