Would you like to indulge your skin with our ZO® Ultimate Regeneration Treatment? With so many options in medical-grade facials, it is understandable why it is hard to decide which one would give your skin the biggest benefit. The ZO® Ultimate Regeneration Treatment is one of our popular facials that includes the use of the advanced technology of the HydraFacial® MD, which is safe for all skin types. Your skin may show the unwanted signs of aging, look uneven, feel dehydrated, have blocked pores, and more. You can counteract these conditions with a customized ZO® Ultimate Regeneration Treatment. There is no better time of the year to take care of your skin. Healthy, glowing skin is attainable all-year long, especially with services, like the ZO Ultimate Regeneration Treatment. Schedule your appointment with us today in Newport Beach, CA.
Best Candidates
Your dermal difficulties can be helped with the ZO® Ultimate Regeneration Treatment. It is customized to what your skin issues require for healing. As a candidate for this type of skin care service, your skin may be showing:
- Acne
- Sun damage (sun spots, leathery texture, discoloration)
- Redness, inflammation
- Dry, flaky skin
- Poor skin tone
- Loss of elasticity
- Line and wrinkles as a sign of aging
- Large, congested pores
You may even have sensitive skin or thin, aging skin. Having an assessment with a ZO® skin care professional will be your best bet in finding out if you qualify for this treatment or not.
What to Expect
Utilizing the multi-step HydraFacial® MD process, your ZO® Ultimate Regeneration Treatment can be done in less than an hour in a private treatment room. You can expect the service to include exfoliation, a peel, a pore extraction, and serums for your specific skin concerns. Every course of the treatment, along with the products used, are selected by your ZO® skin care professional. These products will improve your complexion and issues discussed during your consultation. You also have the option of purchasing products to use at home that will extend your results and protect your skin. Like our other products and facials, you will get exceptional outcomes by keeping a ZO® Ultimate Regeneration Treatment appointment each month.

Repair the Damage
Join us in our Newport Beach, CA facility where we will work diligently to provide you with world-class skin care and services. When your skin needs repair, you can count on our ZO® Ultimate Regeneration Treatment using the advanced HydraFacial® MD system at ZO Skin Centre®. Defy your aging appearance with this complexion-boosting treatment that will be customized to meet your needs.